I’ve attended every BlogHer Conference since the beginning, with the exception of the Reach Out Tour in DC last year. I thought it would be fun to take a look at the posts I’ve written about the conference since 2005.
The one about BlogHer (7/16/09)
BlogHer Boston Sessions (10/18/08)
BlogHer ’08. Too many parties? (7/26/08)
Almost live from BlogHer Business (4/6/08)
Can this pitch be saved? (3/29/08)
BlogHer Recap Part 2: Everything and the kitchen sink (8/5/07)
Post BlogHer Recap: In which I contemplate the woodshed (8/1/07)
On BlogHer and the Do’s and Don’ts of marketing to bloggers (4/3/07)
A bit more BlogHer (8/3/06)
Dateline BlogHer (8/1/06)
BlogHer Takeaway: Blogs need a Code of Ethics (9/9/05)
blogher observations (8/11/05)
intertuber (Irwin Hodenop) says
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