Back on the speaking circuit…
Tuesday April 6th is the Blog With Integrity webinar on best practices for blogger outreach. We’ve got a great blogger panel who will share their experiences working with brands — Beth Blecherman from TechMamas, Michelle Madhok from SheFinds and Tim Hurst from ecopolitology.
Saturday April 9th I will be at BlogPaws in Columbus Ohio speaking on a panel about best practices for doing reviews on your blog.
April 20-23 I’ll be out at New Comm Forum in San Mateo California. On the 20th, I’m teaching part of the full-day Intro to Social Media for Business pre-conference workshop, and later in the week, I’m doing two conference sessions — a panel on Social CRM and a session on the impact of the FTC Guidelines on Endorsements and Testimonials on businesses. Added attraction: Dave Carroll of United Breaks Guitars fame will be speaking at lunch on Wednesday!
I’ve got discount codes for all three events. Drop me a note at or @sgetgood on Twitter with your email address and the event you are interested in.
Jo says
“United BREAKS Guitars” 🙂
SG: Thanks, I fixed it.
leejohnsonseo (Lee Johnson) says
Twitter Comment
Upcoming… Blog With Integrity webinar, BlogPaws and New Comm Forum – [link to post]
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